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Carpet Cleaning

In the Seattle metropolitan area, UCM Carpet Cleaning Bellevue is the smart choice for high quality carpet cleaning. Our carpet cleaning technicians are at the top of the field when it comes to professional carpet care for all kinds of carpets. Whether for your home or business, UCM Carpet Cleaning Bellevue offers a variety of cleaning services guaranteed to address every type of carpet, every sort of stain, and every level of soil.

Steam Cleaning: The Gold Standard

Steam cleaning is recommended by leading carpet manufacturers, and with good reason. It is the carpet cleaning method that provides the best care for most types of wall-to-wall carpets.

Carpet steam cleaning is also called hot water extraction. In hot water extraction, jets of hot water mixed with our safe, green cleaning solutions are propelled deep into the carpet's pile. This agitates the carpet so that the fibers release the dirt and other particles. Nearly simultaneously, our high quality steam cleaning equipment vacuums out the moisture and dirt. When steam cleaning is performed by trained technicians, carpets stay cleaner longer, without sticky detergent residue that attracts dirt.

Carpet cleaning will:

  • make carpet last longer by removing dirt that wears away at carpet fibers.
  • renew your carpet's appearance
  • get rid of stains and unpleasant odors
  • successfully remove dust mite waste, dander, and other irritants that can trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks.

Stain Removal and Odor Treatment

The only thing worse than a stained carpet is a carpet that has a bad odor. UCM Carpet Cleaning Bellevue' technicians know all about what to do to remove all kinds of stains, from red wine to smelly pet stains. Our enzymatic treatments break down and neutralize pet urine in your carpets (and rugs and upholstery, too) so that they can be washed away, leaving only fresh and completely clean carpeting behind.

Carpet Care after Professional Cleaning

  • While your carpet is still damp, treat it gently. It's okay to walk on it, but take off your street shoes first. You don't want the dirt to transfer to your newly cleaned carpet.
  • Where we've put shields under your furniture legs, make sure to leave them in place until after the carpet is completely dry. This should be a matter of only a few hours, but it will keep moisture from damaging the furniture or the stain on the furniture from discoloring the carpet.
  • Need the carpet dry in a jiffy? Our cleaning process removes nearly all the moisture from your carpet, but it will still take a few hours to dry completely. You can speed up the drying time significantly by increasing ventilation in the room with fans. Just don't open the windows if it is hot and humid or rainy outside.

UCM Cleaning Service can meet all your carpet cleaning needs, with seven day a week scheduling to fit your schedule. Call today for your free, no obligation price estimate.

UCM Carpet Cleaning Bellevue
Phone: 425-286-8999
Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm
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